... no tempo das cruzadas, Abderam, chefe Sarrazin, instalou as suas tropas próximo do castelo onde vive a jovem Raymonda, prometida ao cavaleiro Jean de Brienne.
Num sonho, a jovem vê Abderam, que confessa arder de amor por ela... Ela acorda de madrugada sozinha e confusa...
O chefe Sarrazin Abderam reaparece no castelo, e quando tenta levá-la consigo, Jean de Brienne, de volta à Terra Santa, surge com os seus cavaleiros, resultando num jogo mortal entre os dois rivais...
Raymonda, the story behind the new Repetto windows...
... during the cruzades, Abderam, Sarrazin chief, settled his troops near the castle where the young Raymonda lives, promised to the knight Jean de Brienne.
In a dream, the young woman sees Abderam, who confesses to burn with love for her... She wakes up in the morning, alone and confused...
The Sarrazin Chief Abderam reappears in the castle, and as he tries to take her with him, Jean de Brienne, returning to the Holly Land, appears with his knights, leading to a deadly game between the two rivals...