segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009

SG Representations e The Sartorialist
SG Representations and The Sartorialist

Haverá melhor prenda de Natal? O blog SG Representations foi referenciada naquele que é considerado o mais importante blog de moda, The Sartorialist, referência foi detectada através do Google Analytics, ferramenta de registo de visitas e tráfego no nosso site e no nosso blog.

Feliz Natal para as nossas marcas e também para a SG Representations!

Is there a better Christmas present? SG Representations blog was mentioned in what is considered to be the most important fashion blog, The Sartorialist, reference that was detected thru Google Analytics, visit and traffic registry tool for our site and our blog.

Merry Christmas for our brands and also for SG Representations!

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